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Abhinaw Tripathi
Jun 9, 20161 min read
Sorted Link List example in core-java
Sorted Linked List: /** * @author Abhinaw.Tripathi * */ class Link { public long dData; public Link next; public Link(long dd) ...
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Abhinaw Tripathi
Jun 3, 20163 min read
Design a Simple Chat Server
Solution: Simple Chat Server Chat application can be described as a connection-oriented service because a user establishes a connection...
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Abhinaw Tripathi
Jun 3, 20161 min read
Design a cache mechanism which uses LRU(Least Recently Used) in java
Solution Description: The Processing costs for selecting a value from a database-table is high compared to the cost having the value...
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Abhinaw Tripathi
Jun 3, 20162 min read
Design a Cinema Management System
Solution: As we know any cinema associated with a number of theaters and each theater contains a set of rows with a number of seats and...
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Abhinaw Tripathi
Jun 3, 20162 min read
Design Library Management System?
Solution: The basic components of the library are: library items and mechanism for giving books to users.Please find the implementation...
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Abhinaw Tripathi
Jun 2, 20161 min read
Interview Question - Design a Grocery Store.
Problem: Design a Grocery Store. For this what we need is: A customer class A store Class A GroceryItem of various sorts A cashier ...
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Abhinaw Tripathi
Jun 2, 20161 min read
Simple Design Pattern Interview Questions
Problem-1: Can you explain about access specifiers in java? Answer: In java , classes,variables,methods and constructor can have access...
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Abhinaw Tripathi
Jun 1, 20161 min read
Flyweight Design Pattern
Flyweight reduces the cost of creating and manipulating a large number of similar objects.Flyweight is used when there is a need to...
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Abhinaw Tripathi
Jun 1, 20162 min read
Proxy Design Pattern
What is Proxy Design Pattern? First of all its a structural pattern and Proxy means in place of.In our collage times we gave proxy in...
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Abhinaw Tripathi
May 31, 20161 min read
Facade Design Pattern
What is Facade Design Pattern? Facade is a structural Design Pattern and In java the interface JDBC is an example of facade pattern.we as...
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Abhinaw Tripathi
May 31, 20161 min read
Decorator Pattern
What is Decorator Patter? It changes(extends or modify) the behavior of an instance at run time. When to use Decorator Pattern: We can...
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Abhinaw Tripathi
May 31, 20161 min read
Design Pattern - Composite Design Pattern
What is Composite Design Pattern? A composite pattern is a collection of objects and they may be either a composite or just a primitive...
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Abhinaw Tripathi
May 27, 20161 min read
Strategy Design Pattern tutorial example
What is Strategy Design Pattern? Strategy pattern is used when we want different algorithms needs to be applied on objects.This...
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Abhinaw Tripathi
May 27, 20162 min read
Design Pattern - Observer Pattern
What is Observer Pattern? Yes, Observer Pattern is Behavioral Design Pattern.In the Observer pattern ,an object called subject...
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Abhinaw Tripathi
May 27, 20161 min read
Design Pattern - Behavioral Design Patterns
What is Behavioral Design Pattern? Behavioral patterns are those pattern which are specifically concerned with communication between...
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Abhinaw Tripathi
May 27, 20162 min read
Design Pattern - Adapter Design Pattern
What is Adapter Pattern? Of-curse,a structural design pattern which converts the existing interfaces to a new interface to achieve ...
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Abhinaw Tripathi
May 26, 20161 min read
Structural Design Pattern
What is Structural Design Pattern? Ans: Structural DP,s are used for structuring code and objects.It also can be described as how objects...
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Abhinaw Tripathi
May 26, 20161 min read
Write code to partition a linked list around a value x, such that all nodes less than x come before
Approach: We iterate through the linked list ,inserting elements into our before list or our after list.Once we reach the end of the...
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Abhinaw Tripathi
May 26, 20161 min read
Delete a node in the middle of a singly linked list,given only access to that node.
Very simple problem but there is only issue with the solution is if the node to be deleted is the last node in the linked list. public...
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Abhinaw Tripathi
May 26, 20161 min read
Linked List Programming Question and its Best Solution by Abhinaw
Question: Write code to remove duplicates from an unsorted linked list.if temporary buffer is not allowed. Solution: In order to solve...
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