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Android 6.0 Marshmallow


All Features:

1)A battery that works smarter, not harder which is Battery.Battery is an important thing in all smart-phone So we should find ways to save battery from unwanted drainage in idle or standby time.So for this Google has introduced two things:

a)Doze :When your device is at rest, Doze automatically puts it into a sleep state. So your phone can still set off your alarm in the morning even if you forgot to charge it.

b)App Standby :No more battery drain from seldom used apps: App Standby limits their impact on battery life so your charge lasts longer.

2)Greater control for more peace of mind which is Permissions and Fingerprints


No need to give apps access all the time. Android Marshmallow lets you define what you want to share and when. Turn permissions off at any time, too.

Simplified security with your fingerprint

Skip the crazy passwords: The key is at hand. Your fingerprint unlocks your phone and lets you securely breeze through sign in, the Play Store and even in apps.

3)App Linking : This release enhances Android’s intent system by providing more powerful app linking. This feature allows you to associate an app with a web domain you own. Based on this association, the platform can determine the default app to use to handle a particular web link and skip prompting users to select an app.

4)Auto Backup for Apps : The system now performs automatic full data backup and restore for apps. Your app must target Android 6.0 (API level 23) to enable this behavior; you do not need to add any additional code. If users delete their Google accounts, their backup data is deleted as well.

5)Direct Share: This release provides you with APIs to make sharing intuitive and quick for users. You can now define direct share targets that launch a specific activity in your app. These direct share targets are exposed to users via the Share menu. This feature allows users to share content to targets, such as contacts, within other apps. For example, the direct share target might launch an activity in another social network app, which lets the user share content directly to a specific friend or community in that app.To enable direct share targets you must define a class that extends the ChooserTargetServiceclass. Declare your service in the manifest. Within that declaration, specify theBIND_CHOOSER_TARGET_SERVICE permission and an intent filter using the SERVICE_INTERFACEaction.

More to come soon.....

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