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Tree continue complete example in core-java

Writer's picture: Abhinaw TripathiAbhinaw Tripathi

Complete Tree program: import java.util.Stack; /** * */ /** * @author Abhinaw.Tripathi * */ class Node { public int iData; public double dData; public Node leftChild; public Node rightChild; public void displayNode() { System.out.println('{'); System.out.println(iData); System.out.println(", "); System.out.println(dData); System.out.println("} "); } class Tree { private Node root; public Tree() { root=null; } public Node find(int key) { Node current=root; while(current.iData!=key) { if(key < current.iData) current=current.leftChild; else current=current.rightChild; if(current==null) return null ; } return current; } public void insert(int id,int dd) { Node newNode=new Node(); newNode.iData=id; newNode.dData=dd; if(root == null) root=newNode; else { Node current=root; Node parent; while(true) { parent=current; if(id< current.iData) { current=current.leftChild; if(current == null) { parent.leftChild=newNode; return; } } else { current= current.rightChild; if(current ==null) { parent.rightChild=newNode; return; } } } } } public boolean delete(int key) { Node current=root; Node parent=root; boolean isLeftChild=true; while(current.iData !=key) { parent=current; if(key<current.iData) { isLeftChild=true; current=current.leftChild; } else { isLeftChild=false; current=current.rightChild; } if(current==null) return false; } if(current.leftChild ==null && current.rightChild==null) { if(current==root) root=null; else if(isLeftChild) parent.leftChild=null; else parent.rightChild=null; } else if(current.rightChild==null) if(current==root) root=current.leftChild; else if(isLeftChild) parent.leftChild=current.leftChild; else parent.rightChild=current.leftChild; else if(current.leftChild==null) if(current==root) root=current.leftChild; else if(isLeftChild) parent.leftChild=current.leftChild; else parent.rightChild=current.leftChild; else if(current.leftChild ==null) if(current==root) root=current.rightChild; else if(isLeftChild) parent.leftChild=current.rightChild; else parent.rightChild=current.rightChild; else { Node successor=getSuccessor(current); if(current==root) root=successor; else if(isLeftChild) parent.leftChild=successor; else parent.rightChild=successor; successor.leftChild=current.leftChild; } return true; } private Node getSuccessor(Node delNode) { Node successorParent=delNode; Node successor =delNode; Node current=delNode.rightChild; while(current!=null) { successorParent=successor; successor=current; current=current.leftChild; } if(successor!=delNode.rightChild) { successorParent.leftChild=successor.rightChild; successor.rightChild=delNode.rightChild; } return successor; } public void traverse(int traverseType) { switch (traverseType) { case 1:System.out.println("\n Preorer traversal: "); preOder(root); break; case 2:System.out.println("\n InOrder traversal: "); inOrder(root); break; case 3:System.out.println("\n PostOrder traversal: "); postOrder(root); break; default: break; } } private void postOrder(Node localRoot) { if(localRoot!=null) { postOrder(localRoot.leftChild); postOrder(localRoot.rightChild); System.out.println(localRoot.iData + " "); } } private void inOrder(Node localRoot) { if(localRoot!=null) { inOrder(localRoot.leftChild); System.out.println(localRoot.iData + " "); inOrder(localRoot.rightChild); } } private void preOder(Node localRoot) { if(localRoot!=null) { System.out.println(localRoot.iData + " "); preOder(localRoot.leftChild); preOder(localRoot.rightChild); } } public void displayTree() { Stack globalStack=new Stack(); globalStack.push(root); int nBlank=32; boolean isRowEmpty=false; System.out.println("...................................................."); while(isRowEmpty==true) { Stack localStack=new Stack(); isRowEmpty=false; for(int i=0;i<nBlank;i++) System.out.println(' '); while(globalStack.isEmpty()==false) { Node temp=(Node)globalStack.pop(); if(temp!=null) { System.out.println(temp.iData); localStack.push(temp.leftChild); localStack.push(temp.rightChild); if(temp.leftChild!=null || temp.rightChild!=null) isRowEmpty=false; } else { System.out.println("----"); localStack.push(null); localStack.push(null); } for(int i=0;i<nBlank*2*2;i++) System.out.println(' '); } System.out.println(" "); nBlank/=2; while(localStack.isEmpty()==false) globalStack.push(localStack.pop()); } System.out.println(" "); } } } public class BinaryTreeApp { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { Tree theTree=new Tree(); theTree.insert(50,1.5); theTree.insert(25,1.2); theTree.insert(75,1.7); theTree.displayTree(); // do somthing like this } }

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