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  • Writer's pictureAbhinaw Tripathi

Dynamic Programming - Coin Change

Dynamic Programming -- Coin Change Problem Given a value N, if we want to make change for N cents, and we have infinite supply of each of S = { S1, S2, .. , Sm} valued coins, how many ways can we make the change? The order of coins doesn’t matter. For example, for N = 4 and S = {1,2,3}, there are four solutions: {1,1,1,1},{1,1,2},{2,2},{1,3}. So output should be 4. For N = 10 and S = {2, 5, 3, 6} there are five solutions: {2,2,2,2,2}, {2,2,3,3}, {2,2,6}, {2,3,5} and {5,5}. So the output should be 5. Solution: To count total number solutions, we can divide all set solutions in two sets. 1) Solutions that do not contain mth coin (or Sm). 2) Solutions that contain at least one Sm. Let count(S[], m, n) be the function to count the number of solutions, then it can be written as sum of count(S[], m-1, n) and count(S[], m, n-Sm). Sample Code: import java.util.Arrays; /** * @author Abhinaw.Tripathi * */ public class CoinChangeApp { public static long countWays(int S[], int m, int n) { long[] table = new long[n+1]; Arrays.fill(table, 0); // this will take o(n) table[0] = 1; for (int i=0; i<m; i++) for (int j=S[i]; j<=n; j++) table[j] += table[j-S[i]]; return table[n]; } public static void main(String[] args) { int arr[] = {1, 2, 3}; int m = arr.length; int n = 4; System.out.println("Output: " +countWays(arr, m, n)); } } Output: 4 Time Complexity:O(mn)

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