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  • Writer's pictureAbhinaw Tripathi

Leaders in an array

An element is leader if it is greater than all the elements to its right side. And the rightmost element is always a leader. For example int the array {16, 17, 4, 3, 5, 2}, leaders are 17, 5 and 2. Sample Code: /** * */ /** * @author Abhinaw.Tripathi * */ public class LeadersInArray { public void printLeaders(int arr[], int size) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int j; for (j = i + 1; j < size; j++) { if (arr[i] <= arr[j]) break; } if (j == size) System.out.print(arr[i] + " "); } } public void printLeadersMoreOptimized(int arr[], int size) { int max_from_right = arr[size-1]; System.out.print(max_from_right + " "); for (int i = size-2; i >= 0; i--) { if (max_from_right < arr[i]) { max_from_right = arr[i]; System.out.print(max_from_right + " "); } } } public static void main(String[] args) { LeadersInArray lead = new LeadersInArray(); int arr[] = new int[]{16, 17, 4, 3, 5, 2}; int n = arr.length; lead.printLeaders(arr, n); /* LeadersInArray lead = new LeadersInArray(); int arr[] = new int[]{16, 17, 4, 3, 5, 2}; int n = arr.length; lead.printLeadersMoreOptimized(arr, n);*/ } } Output: 17 5 2 Time Complexity: O(n*n) but if you use my 2nd method then time complexity will be reduced to O(n).

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