Well we talked much about Python. now and next logical steps is installing python. So installing Python involves a download from pyhton website"https://www.python.org/downloads/" and as of now latest version is Python 3.6.3 released in 2017-10-03. Once the download finished .open the setup file and remember you will see a check box at the very bottom and written like "Add Python 3.6.3 to PATH".just check it and then click on install now. Once it is done then let's verify that Python is installed on the system or not. using the CMD or PowerShell whicherver you prefer. 1) Search for Windows PowerShell or CMD. 2)Then type Python --version if you get the message like below Python 3.6.3 then your installation was successful. If not then try to repeat the steps. it usually helps. You can install Python on Windows,Mac and Linux.steps are same for Mac and windows but usually on Linux pyhton comes along. I mean it is bundled with the Linux os but one thing can be different that it comes with Python version 2 but you can install separate Python version 3 on the Linux system. Standard procedure for installing is same and also you can verify the Python version repeating the same steps. For Mac OS there is another way also to install python using "www.brew.sh". just search it on Google and I am sure you will get the link and using it you can easily install python 3 on Mac OS. now you must be thinking of it's advantages.what it's worth So it has some certain advantages during my teaching I will always be referring to be python terminal command. Alright our pyhton is all setup.Â