So Dictionary allows me to store key-value pair of any data very easily.if you have used JSON in the past then you will be very familiar with the Dictionary in Python. for example: student = { "name": "Abhinaw" "student_id": 20042343 "feedback": None } this is what dictionary looks like in Python.So it has key and value And the value can be of any type.Dictionaries are very helpfull in case ,when you want to store some kind of structured data. List of Dictionaries all_student = [ {"name:" "Abhinaw" ,"student_id": 20042343}, {"name:" "Rajat" ,"student_id": 20042345}, {"name:"Gaurav" ,"student_id": 20042893}, ] Dictionary Data student["name"] == "Abhinaw" suppose if you are using key which does not exists in the Dictionary then it will raise an exception called "KeyError" like student["last_name"] == KeyError but you can set the default value if key is not present like this student.get("last_name", "Unknown") == "Unknown". in case you do not find the last_name in the Dictionary. if you want all keys in the Dictionary you can simply do like this student.keys() =["name" ,"student_id" , "feedback"] student.values() = ["Abhinaw" , 20042343,None] Similarly you can delete like this student["name"] = "James" del student["name"]Â
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